It is known that the success of any mechanism depends on the harmonious interaction of its elements. This also applies to the work of the team, which should become one team with a single goal, priorities and aspirations.
The head sets itself the task, at first glance, impossible to accomplish – to create a cohesive team who is ready to work not only for a monetary reward but also for the sake of a common idea and success. This task is not easy because even the employees have different characters, temperaments, hobbies.
What does a manager need to do to create harmony in the office?
The easiest way is to invite a psychologist to the team. But often the appearance of such an employee in the office causes a backlash – unwillingness to open up and barriers. The second way is to solve the problem yourself.
The first item on the task list is to provide a comfortable office environment. Make sure that your colleagues have all that is necessary for work and temporary rest at their workplace.
The next task is to systematically promote employee success. I mean not only financial reward, but also gratitude.
It is also necessary to spend time with the team in an informal setting. Many may argue spending so much time in the office. But one trip to a picnic with a team will bring more positive emotions, help to learn about the hidden talents and hobbies of colleagues, will have a beneficial effect on team cohesion.
Also, psychologists advise sharing successes and failures with employees. Joint experience will set effective work for the sake of success.
Do not be afraid to listen to colleagues, even if they are not experts in a particular field. Fresh ideas often come from workers who see the problem from a different angle, that is, without knowing its patterns and standard solutions.
And the most important thing is to have a sincere desire to be not at the head of the team, but as its functioning participant.