Tag: pharmacy

Who Regulates the Cost of Drugs and Why Can’t They Be Dispensed Free of Charge?

In social networks, you can often find calls to raise funds for medicines for a sick child. A logical question arises: why won’t the state save this child by paying for the necessary drugs? We figured out how drug prices are determined, who should regulate them, and why pharmaceutical companies do not distribute drugs to save lives. How are drug prices determined? Manufacturers of medicines and pharmacies participate in the…

Detecting Fake Medicines | Trust Pharmacy Guide for Consumers

New drugs are invented every year. Their total cost is approximately $27 million – about 1% of the entire pharmaceutical market. Thus, the risk of buying a counterfeit from a pharmacy is very small. However, there is also a factory defect or poor-quality drugs that simply will not cure a patient. MLST Trust Pharmacy has been working in the pharmaceutical market for over 10 years and has close cooperation with…